保险服务: 我们具有为客户提供合理评估,快速理赔的保险服务能力,将物流风险控制在最低点。
齐全的危险品运输资质:二、三、四、五、八类。 安全、责任、专业为企业的管理目标。 运用专业QHSE管理自由车辆和外协供应商,保证安全,降低了运输风险。 齐全的信息跟踪系统,严格把控和了解车辆在途情况、路线和状况,做到防患于未然。 完善的管理制度和24小时异常汇报流程,做到责任到部门、责任到人,全方位全天候的进行监督和监管业务操作车辆的情况,做到安全第一。Sea Freight Service Introduction Hamel Logistics, the leader of the Korean logistics industry, aims to significantly reduce customers' logistics expenses through its accurate knowledge and information about global sea routes and ships and its expertise based on extensive experience in marine transportation.
Container Service Hamel Logistics does its very best to offer the highest possible stability in cargo handling, in addition to promptness and economy of operation. Pantos Logistics focuses on being systematic in its entire logistics operation, ranging from packaging to transportation, stevedoring and storage.