FCL versus LCL
The word carload relates to the rail car. The FCL and LCL are differentiated, in practice, on whether the 'whole container' or 'not the whole container' is intended for the consignee.
The FCL means the load reaches its allowable maximum (or full) weight or measurement. In practice, however, the FCL in the ocean freight does not always mean packing a container to its full payload or full capacity. For example, an exporter books a 20' container that is intended for a consignee at FCL flat rate of US$1,500. If the consignment occupies 500 cu. ft. and weighs 5,000 kgs. only, the case is still FCL and the exporter has to pay US$1,500.
If an exporter intends to pack a container to the full capacity or full payload with the consignments of two or more consignees for the same destination, the case is LCL and the carrier will charge the LCL freight rate on each consignment. In the LCL arrangement, the shipper is required to deliver the cargo to the carrier's container freight station for containerization, thus there is no guarantee that the two or more consignments from the same exporter will share the same container. In some cases, the exporter is allowed to pack the container at their premises in the LCL arrangement, and then the carrier uses that same container to pack in more cargo from other shipper(s) to make a full container load at the container freight station.我们的业务涵盖: 1. 海运进出口,危险品整柜、危险品拼箱 2. 空运进出口,危险品进出口一条龙服务(含包装及商检) 3. Iso tank 4. 内陆,危险品及剧毒品的整柜和散卡运输,堆存 在危险品、化工品的运输服务上,我们积累了超过十年的的知识与经验。 为您提供迅捷便利的订船、通关、转运等一条龙货运服务。 我们有一套完整、科学、先进的在线运作系统,能更好的服务客户; 我们有一支充满活力、精通业务知识的员工队伍,提供更专业的服务; 我们和海关、港监、各大船东、码头及铁路等相关单位长期保持良好协作关系。 我们在全球主要港口有完善的代理网络。