理念 服務、熱誠、專業、積極 。在二十一世紀,速度與知識決定一切,身為伴隨客戶成長的策略性伙伴,提供專業、迅速、正確的服務是我們責無旁貸的義務,提供客戶點、線、面全方面的服務! • 品質政策:服務至上,顧客滿意 • 經營理念:永續經營,利潤共享 • 願景:成為業界的先驅及專家 • 核心價值:熱情 專業 分享的學習團隊
展望 專業、效率、熱誠 是我們對客戶信守的承諾,全體員工更秉持著熱忱的服務精神,提供客戶全球化海空運輸及物流服務。邁向未來,鴻泰國際物流將以提供更優質的服務為目標,創造與客戶雙贏的局面 。a modern logistics enterpise specializing in international logistics 、freight forwarding、warehousing & delivery. We can undertake import and export business in both sea and air transportaion.around the world.We are also an international agency enterprise licensed by The State Department of Commerce.We are good at providing personalized services for different needs and different levels of goods,and we stick to ‘goods-oriented’ service philosophy,so we are recognized by our customers and also win the attention in the industry.In the future,we will provide more diversified service to get more market share,and achieve the mutual benefit and win-win situation.